The Absolute Best Way To Build Your Leaders and Team

The Absolute Best Way To Build Your Leaders and Team

The Absolute Best Way To Build Your Leaders and TeamEarly in my career, I worked with an organization that was struggling with infighting on a team. After working with them for a little while, I realized that there were two issues the team’s manager struggled with: A lack of accountability and a tendency to avoid conflict.

About a year later, I was asked back to the organization. A different department was struggling. I discovered that their director didn’t provide accountability and tended to avoid conflict.

Another year went by and I received a call from the executive team. They were struggling. As I explored this, it became clear that the CEO didn’t provide accountability and avoided conflict.

Leadership Development is Personal Development

Many executives are appropriately concerned about growing their teams and future leaders.

But many misunderstand how this is best done. Most focus on getting more knowledge or skills into people. So, they invest in training, certificate programs, or degrees.

These can be valuable and absolutely worth the investment. But often they produce confidence (or just prettier resumes) without results.

What if I told you that one of the best ways to build the people around you – was to focus on yourself?

The most powerful method for a leader to build others is to actually work on building themselves.

Consider parenting. I have three kids. Each one is a reminder that I’m not a parenting expert. In fact, I’ve noticed that most parenting experts don’t talk about their own children very often…

But I do know this: My accidental impact is usually greater than my intentional impact. How I relate to life, my wife, and kids speaks louder than any parenting tool I could use.

If how I relate to life, my wife, and the kids seems to matter most – then that is where my efforts should be focused.  If I work on my “stuff” (my tendencies to be impatient, perfectionistic, not wanting to be bothered, etc.), whatever else I do as a father will probably be more on target.

It’s the same for leaders. If we work on our “stuff” – our leadership will just naturally improve – and especially our ability to build the people around us. It will just happen.

The Five Areas of Personal Growth You Want to Target:
  1. Humility: Don’t compare yourself to others. Arrogance or insecurity isn’t just the opposite of humility – they are an entirely different thing – and both are an insistence on seeing ourselves and others through the lens of comparison.

Performance can and should be measured. But personal worth doesn’t fit on a scale.

  1. Courage: Leaders face fear regularly. Fear of making the wrong decision, failure, conflict or confrontation, not measuring up, and all the “what ifs.” Effective leaders still feel that fear, but choose to make the right decision regardless of how they feel.
  2. Self-management: This includes the ability to manage priorities, attitudes, and emotions. It also includes the ability to make and follow through on commitments.

Leaders who manage themselves well are more likely to find that their people do as well. Leaders who constantly “firefight” are poor self-managers. (Even if they seem like heroes – sweeping in to save the day. Again and again.)

  1. Abundance mentality: This is the belief in two things: Firstly, there is more than enough. Secondly, what is needed can be created or found.

The first combats envy and resentment – in the workplace this often looks like turf battles or information hoarding. The second sparks the creativity, drive, and innovation of the entrepreneurial spirit.

  1. Servant-heartedness: Here’s a challenging thought from Jesus, “Whoever wishes to be great among you, shall be your servant. Whoever wishes to be first among you will become your slave.” Servant-hearted leadership is focused on others, not on self. Self-focused leadership builds self-focused teams. Servant leadership builds teams that serve each other and others.
As You Grow, They Grow

As you grow in these five areas, you’ll find that the people around you will start to grow as well. These traits shape culture. Culture shapes decisions and behavior.

Now, the trainings, retreats, and coaching may all still be great options.

But one of the best and more impactful options is the example you set. Because you are shaping those you lead.

The example you set is somehow mirrored in the patterns of decisions and behaviors of those you lead.

Something to think about.

Take good care,


Let’s connect. I’m passionate about helping leaders to create workplaces they love going to and increasing the value of the services they offer. My results-oriented approach is tailored to each client’s specific situation and needs.  As a leadership coach, I have developed a wealth of resources to help you and your team grow and become stronger.

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– Visit my website’s Resources page for e-books, webinars, training, and leadership coaching opportunities for you and your team.


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Vision Building Sprints

If you or your team are wrestling with defining your vision and would like help, I’m offering the opportunity for a “Vision Sprint”. This is a dynamic calibrating exercise. We will tightly dial in on your vision for the year and the key steps you need to take to get there. I’m offering either individual sessions ($2500) or team sessions ($4000).

Contact me at if interested in learning more or setting up a time.

Find the value of your company with my free assessment tool: The Value Builder System

The Value Builder System™ is a 13-minute online questionnaire that evaluates your business on the eight factors that contribute more to its attractiveness and value. These factors are scored on a scale of 1-100. Businesses that score over 80 are likely to command 70%-100% higher value than others.

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Free Resource: How To Accomplish More Without Doing More is a workbook I created to walk leaders through a process of helping you own your calendar, liberate your time, and still get more done. Download it for free!

Executive and Leadership Coaching: Do you feel overwhelmed? Are you not getting the results you expect from the effort you are putting in? Do you find yourself facing similar challenges time and time again? Would you like to change specific ways of relating or reacting? If you would like to experience predictable, measurable growth Contact me.

Profitable Exit Strategy Workshop: Are you a business owner or partner? Over 55? Starting to think about exiting your business or active management in the next 3-5 years?

  • Curious about what your business might be worth?
  • Would you like to discover the specific steps you need to take to increase its value and become highly attractive to a buyer?
  • Are you planning on handing it over to family or employees and you want to ensure long-term success?

If so, contact me now


Download my free 10-page eBook:

How To Accomplish More Without Doing More:

Eight Proven Strategies To Change Your Life

Discover how to save eight hours during your workweek-even if you're too busy to even think about it. The resource every maxed out executive needs.